Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It Mini Series

Thanks for the guest post by Eugene Fulton

I had read It years ago by Stephen King and loved it. When the mini series came out on satellite tv from I had to watch it. Since then I have rented it again and again. Or when it comes on tv again I have to watch. It has so many of my all time favorite actors in it that I have been watching forever and had seen in comedy roles and on tv shows. I always like Harry Anderson and John Ritter. Both well known for their comedy roles, but always great actors. Not to mention Tim Curry as Pennywise. Tim Curry is an amazing actor and every role he does is astounding. His role as Pennywise was nothing short as usual. The mini series followed the book very well and did justice to the book. I liked how they were able to go back and forth between when the friends were children and what happened to them then and how they were as adults and connecting the two stories together. It was not confusing in the least and was actually made easier to follow the story line.

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