Saturday, February 6, 2010

More plans today

This morning I woke up thinking about hot coffee and a chocolate cookie but to my dismay we are out of cookies. I was looking every where but could not find any. I thought I still had some but it was okay I still could drink coffee without any cookies. But it is better if I have my morning cookie to keep me going. We have a doughnut in the ref but my son asked me last night not to eat it because it is his. Well, I better go to the store later and get more cookies. For now I am waiting for my son to wake up so that I can take him to the barber shop for a hair cut. I tried to wake him up earlier but all I got from him is agg. We have a lot of plans this morning. After the hair cut he wants to visit his Grandma it is her birthday today and he said he wants to buy flowers for her and he wants to go to the library too. I do not know if we can do both of these since he is still in bed sleeping. I think I have to try to wake him up again.

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