Friday, February 4, 2011

Found a Dog

I was talking to my friend last week about the dog that he found on the street. It is a big dog I told him that I would like to have him but my children are still not old enough for a dog. He told me I should get a puppy that my children could love. He already has two dogs in his house and they do not want another dog so he is looking for somebody to adopt the dog. I told him to bring it to the animal shelter but he does not want to do that.

He wants to make sure that he gives it to the right person and not to a shelter. He said that they now have three dogs in the house and a cat, he is always busy taking care of them. It is a good thing that he bought some dog perfume to use on the dogs to make them smells good. He also has three children and the animals so I know when his not at work he is busy at home.

My son would like to have a dog and I would like to have one too, hopefully we will find a puppy soon.

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